I've been in Copenhagen for more than a week now, and while the first few days primarily featured the haze that is jet lag, it's been good. Apart from waking up in the very very dark that stays around until 7:45 or so in the morning and coming back to my room in the dark that is 4:30 pm.
During our extensive orientation activities we had a chance to walk around the city and see some sights. Copenhagen is beautiful: many of the streets are cobblestone, the buildings are painted cheery colors, perhaps to make up for the dreary weather, and they're really into squares and plazas featuring kings usually named Frederick or Christian the such and such roman numeral.
This is Kongens Nytorv (Kings New Square) featuring Christian V.
Copenhagen is surrounded by canals, for safety. The Danes were, and seem to continue to be, obsessed with keeping the Swedes out.
On Saturday I went to Kronborg, in Elsinore, the castle that inspired Hamlet. Apparently only four kilometers from Sweden, the castle was built in the 1500s and funded by tariffs the king put on goods passing through the strait. While most of the castle burned down at one point or another, the original chapel, once converted to a fencing hall and back, remains. The tour took us through the dungeons which were cramped, dark, damp, and moldy. While it was an interesting experience, that was not the best part of the day.
The best part of the day was eating lunch at a bakery/cafe, specifically when the old man baker came around to the tables and offered everyone an orange meringue from a heaping tray. And so I have resolved to spend money exclusively on pastries. Partially because everything else is far too expensive to buy, but mostly because nothing else is quite as tasty.
Classes have begun, but in spite of the pile of reading I have managed to go adventuring.

I hope my wonderful housemates are excited for awesome adventures and debilitating jet lag! Safe travels to you all.
I think we all know why they try to keep the Swedes out. If you get my drift. Bahahaha